1、含糖的;甜的 containing, or tasting as if it contains, a lot of sugar
2、香的;芳香的;芬芳的 h***ing a pleasant ***ell
3、悦耳的;好听的 h***ing a pleasant sound
4、纯净的;清新的;新鲜的 pleasant and not containing any harmful substances
5、令人愉快的;惬意的;舒畅的 making you feel h***y and/or satisfied
6、(especially BrE) (especially of children or ***all things 尤指儿童或小物品) 惹人喜爱的;可爱的 attractive
7、善良的;好心的;和蔼的;温柔的 h***ing or showing a kind character
8、(NAmE, informal) (表示赞许)好啊,太棒了 used to show that you ***rove of sth